What is ä in English?

Ä or ä is one of the 4 extra letters used in German. It can be replaced by using the letters Ae or ae. In English language newspapers it is often written as A or a but this is not correct. Ä and ä are usually pronounced like the “e” in “bed”.

Is Ä the same as AE?

The letter was originally an A with a lowercase e on top, which was later stylized to two dots. In other languages that do not have the letter as part of the regular alphabet or in limited character sets such as US-ASCII, Ä is frequently replaced with the two-letter combination “Ae”.

What is this letter ä?

The Letter Ä With Two Dots Is an Umlaut. If you’ve ever wondered what those two dots above an “ä” are about, they’re generally called umlauts. Particularly common in German, they’re used to modify the suggested pronunciation of the letter a.

What is ä in English? – Related Questions

How do you pronounce Ä?

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Does Danish have ä?

Æ and Ä are sorted together in all Scandinavian languages, as well as Finnish, and so are Ø and Ö.

What is the Swedish letter A with a circle?

Symbol for ångström

The letter “Å” (U+00C5) is also used throughout the world as the international symbol for the non-SI unit ångström, a physical unit of length named after the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström.

Is Å a Swedish letter?

Swedish has all the letters of the English alphabet plus three extra ones, they are the letters Å, Ä, and Ö. These three letters are considered as separate letters and not letters with diacritical marks. They come in alphabetical order after the letter Z.

What is Ä in Finnish?

They are independent letters and phonemes (sounds), not modified nor accented letters. Changing ‘Ä’ into ‘A’ or ‘Ö’ into ‘O’ is akin to changing ‘Q’ into ‘O’. Ä is similar to the following bolded sounds in English: “A fat pancake man sat on a cat.”

What are ä Ö Ü called?

When we’re discussing German umlauts, you’ll find there are three in use within the alphabet including Ä, Ö, and Ü. Rather than implying an accent or emphasis, German umlauts are independent characters with variations that represent both long and short sounds.

What does Ö sound like?

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How do you pronounce U :/?

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How do you pronounce Ö?

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What language uses O?

Portuguese. In the Portuguese language, the symbol Õ stands for a nasal close-mid back rounded vowel, also written [õ] in IPA.

What is O in English?

It is usually used to denote long “o” or the middle tone of “o”.

What is the O called?

Though not its native name, among English-speaking typographers the symbol may be called a “slashed o” or “o with stroke”. Although these names suggest it is a ligature or a diacritical variant of the letter o, speakers of languages which use the letter ø hold that it is not.

What is O called?

Among English-speaking typographers the symbol may be called a “slashed O” or “o with stroke”. Although these names suggest it is a ligature or a diacritical variant of the letter o, it is considered a separate letter in Danish and Norwegian, and it is alphabetized after “z” — thus x, y, z, æ, ø, and å.

What is æ called in Norwegian?

In Icelandic, æ represents the diphthong [ai], which can be long or short. In Danish and Norwegian, æ is a separate letter of the alphabet that represents a monophthong.

How do you pronounce O in Norwegian?

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How common is English in Norway?

Beginners to the Norwegian language might find some dialects hard to understand, but Norwegians are understanding and speak closer to the written language if they notice you don’t understand them. The vast majority of Norwegians speak English in addition to Norwegian – and generally on a very high level.

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