How far is Stockholm from Oslo by plane?

Nonstop flights from Oslo generally make it to Stockholm in 1h 00m. The flying distance between the two cities is 249 miles.

What is there to see between Stockholm and Oslo?

Best stops along Oslo to Stockholm drive. The top stops along the way from Oslo to Stockholm (with short detours) are Uppsala Cathedral, Örebro Castle, and Fredrikstad Tourist Office Old Town. Other popular stops include Läckö Castle, Tom Tits Experiment, and Fredriksten fortress.

What is the cheapest month to go to Norway?

If you’re on a tight budget, the cheapest time to visit Norway is between November and April. You can find some pretty affordable tickets when you visit during this period. People around the world are less likely to travel during these months, so the low demand for tickets means lower prices.

How far is Stockholm from Oslo by plane? – Related Questions

How many days is enough for Norway?

We recommend a minimum of 5 days to really explore and delve into what Norway has to offer. If you have less time than that, don’t worry – there’s still lots you can see and do. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all trip to anywhere as everyone has different requirements and expectations.

What are the dark months in Norway?

November, December, and January are dark months in all of Norway though, unlike the north, southern Norway does continue to see sun during the winter months.

What is the most famous dish from Norway?

1. Farikal – Mutton and Cabbage. Known as the Norwegian national dish, Farikal is really a simple dish of mutton and cabbage. Like most traditional Norwegian food is hearty and tasty.

Can you see northern lights in Oslo?

Can you see the Northern Lights in Oslo, Norway? Very rarely! It might happen once or twice a year but generally they will be hard to see and faint. With the amount of light pollution in Oslo, you will be extremely lucky to chance a good viewing of the lights during your stay.

Is Sweden dark for 6 months?

Is Sweden dark for months? No, it is never dark for months in Sweden. This is because, even in winter, most parts of the country do have at least a couple of hours of daylight. The one exception is the area of the country within the Arctic Circle, but even there it is only dark for around one month.

What are red days in Sweden?

In Sweden, a public holiday is sometimes referred to as röd dag (red day), as it is printed in red in most calendars.

Can you see northern lights in Stockholm?

Can you see northern lights in Stockholm, Sweden? Stockholm, the grand capital city of Sweden, is located in the southern half of the country. Even though it is quite far south compared to Swedish Lapland, it is not unheard of to be able to spot the auroras in Stockholm. So, in a broad manner, yes, it is possible.

What time do Swedes wake up?

RankingCountryAverage wake-up
31Chile7:40 AM
32Mexico7:09 AM
33Sweden7:21 AM
34Costa Rica6:38 AM

Are Swedes awkward?

Studies do confirm that Swedes behave in ways that can be interpreted as being a sign of shyness. However, research about national character draws a sharp line between the behaviour and the feeling of shyness. There is actually no evidence that Swedes feel shyer than any other nationality.

Do Swedes hug?

Everyday greeting hugs are also very common. Of course young people have a lot of physical contact but even older people in Sweden show affection in a physical way.

What do Swedes do in their free time?

During their free time, many Swedish families like to spend time outdoors in forest, by the lake or sea, or in the mountains. Camping, picking berries and mushrooms, hiking, sailing, skiing, skating or just taking a nice walk is a part of many Swedes lives.

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