How much does it cost to take the train from Bergen to Oslo?

Is the train ride from Oslo to Bergen worth it?

Is the train ride from Oslo to Bergen worth it? Most definitely yes. The journey may be slow but the scenery is spectacular, so you should just sit back and enjoy the ride as part of your holiday. And you have the bonus of knowing that you’re travelling on the greenest form of transport too.

How long is the train journey from Bergen to Oslo?

The Bergensbanen train between Oslo and Bergen takes about seven hours, has about 180 tunnels and 22 stops.

Is it better to visit Bergen or Oslo?

If you want a taste of Norway, you should visit Oslo. You should visit Bergen if you came to see a fjord. If you love nature, hiking, the outdoors and the sea, then you won’t regret visiting Bergen.

How much does it cost to take the train from Bergen to Oslo? – Related Questions

How many days in Bergen is enough?

How many days should you spend in Bergen, Norway? 3 days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Bergen. 3 days gives you enough time to get a taste of everything this beautiful city has to offer! If you’re not into outdoor activities, like hiking or kayaking, I think 2 days would be sufficient.

What is the prettiest place in Norway?

The Most Beautiful Places in Norway – The South
  1. Sognefjord. An aerial view of Sognefjord, one of the most beautiful places in Norway.
  2. Trolltunga.
  3. Norway’s Fjords.
  4. Alesund.
  5. Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf, Bergen.
  6. Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock)
  7. Bygdoy Peninsula.
  8. Geirangerfjord.

Is Bergen cheaper than Oslo?

Oslo is 12% more expensive than Bergen. Dec 2022 Cost of Living.

Is Bergen Norway worth visiting?

Bergen is definitely worth visiting as a part of your trip to Norway. It’s close proximity to the fjords and coast make it a stunning city and a great base for a few days. You’ll also find it varies greatly from some of the other prime tourist attractions in Norway.

Which part of Norway is the best?

Top 10 places in Norway
  • The Oslo region.
  • Tromsø and the land of the northern lights.
  • Lofoten and Nordland.
  • Bergen and the western fjords.
  • The Geirangerfjord and the Northwest.
  • The Stavanger region.
  • Trondheim and Trøndelag.
  • Kristiansand and Southern Norway.

How many days do you need in Bergen and Oslo?

Travelers to Norway typically plan a trip for 5 to 7 days when combining both Oslo and Bergen with Balestrand. If you’re not interested in Balestrand, 5 to 6 days is enough for your Oslo and Bergen trip. Even travelers with limited time can see the highlights in as few as 4 days.

Why is Bergen so popular?

It’s famous for its great nightlife

As opposed to other major cities in Europe, Bergen does not have one main bar street. Instead, the nightlife is scattered across different parts of the city center. The city is however, famous for its nightlife and has a wide and diverse selection of pubs, bars and clubs.

What is the best month to visit Bergen Norway?

Most visitors to Bergen choose to visit in the summer, between May and September. If you visit in May, you have to experience the beautiful cherry trees around Lille Lungegårdsvann.

Can you see fjords in Oslo?

The close proximity to the Oslofjord makes Oslo a perfect starting point for island hopping and fjord sightseeing.

What is most charming city town in Norway?

10 Beautiful Towns You Should Visit in Norway
  • 1.) Flåm.
  • 2). Bergen.
  • 3.) Trondheim.
  • 4.) Tromsø
  • 5.) Geiranger.
  • 6). Longyearbyen.
  • 7.) Reine.
  • 8.) Undredal.

How many days do you need in Oslo?

2 days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Oslo. You can easily cover the city’s best sights, eat some delicious food, visit a few of the many amazing museums on offer, and enjoy being in nature – Oslo is, after all, situated on a fjord and surrounded by forest.

Can you see the northern lights in Oslo?

Can you see the Northern Lights in Oslo, Norway? Very rarely! It might happen once or twice a year but generally they will be hard to see and faint. With the amount of light pollution in Oslo, you will be extremely lucky to chance a good viewing of the lights during your stay.

Does Oslo get dark at night?

With up to about 19 hours, the longest days are in June. The longest dark nights, on the other hand, are in winter (in the southern hemisphere, it’s the other way around). In December, the night in Oslo lasts almost 18 hours and the days start about 6 hours later. Further north it is even more extreme.

Does Norway have 24 hours of darkness?

It is never completely dark all the time

Even though the sun remains below the horizon, Northern Norway is not blacked out completely. On clear days, we can see beautiful sunset colours in the south while the sky to the north is a deep midnight blue.

What is the best time to visit Norway?

June, July and August are the best months to go to Norway for warmer temperatures and longer days. The warmest month in Norway is July, when there’s the fabled midnight sun – ideal for hiking, cycling, kayaking and berry picking. Prices will be at a premium and midges buzz (and bite) around the marshlands.

How many days is enough for Norway?

We recommend a minimum of 5 days to really explore and delve into what Norway has to offer. If you have less time than that, don’t worry – there’s still lots you can see and do. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all trip to anywhere as everyone has different requirements and expectations.

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