Is Bergen close to Oslo?

As the crow flies, Oslo and Bergen are just 188 miles / 303 km apart. That doesn’t sound like much, yet travelling between the two cities takes much longer than you might expect.

Can you drive from Oslo to Bergen?

Driving from Oslo to Bergen can absolutely be done in one day. The most direct route of 287 miles takes about seven hours, but plan at least one overnight stop to make the most of the journey and take in some of Norway’s best natural attractions. If time is short, flying between the two cities takes under an hour.

Is it better to fly into Bergen or Oslo?

Oslo and Bergen are both served by international airports, making it easy to reach either city. Oslo is a slightly better city to fly into as more cities will fly directly into Oslo, although Bergen has some international connections too.

Is Bergen close to Oslo? – Related Questions

Is 2 days in Bergen enough?

How many days should you spend in Bergen, Norway? 3 days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Bergen. 3 days gives you enough time to get a taste of everything this beautiful city has to offer! If you’re not into outdoor activities, like hiking or kayaking, I think 2 days would be sufficient.

Is 2 weeks enough for Norway?

Planning the Norway Trip Itinerary

Norway is huge. It’s practically impossible to cover everything in just 2 weeks. So, you must understand your travel goals.

What is the cheapest month to visit Norway?

High season is considered to be June and July. The cheapest month to fly to Norway is January.

How long is the train journey from Oslo to Bergen?

The Bergensbanen train between Oslo and Bergen takes about seven hours, has about 180 tunnels and 22 stops.

What is the best month to go to Norway?

June, July and August are the best months to go to Norway for warmer temperatures and longer days. The warmest month in Norway is July, when there’s the fabled midnight sun – ideal for hiking, cycling, kayaking and berry picking. Prices will be at a premium and midges buzz (and bite) around the marshlands.

How many days is enough in Norway?

We recommend a minimum of 5 days to really explore and delve into what Norway has to offer. If you have less time than that, don’t worry – there’s still lots you can see and do. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all trip to anywhere as everyone has different requirements and expectations.

What months are dark in Norway?

November, December, and January are dark months in all of Norway though, unlike the north, southern Norway does continue to see sun during the winter months.

Do they speak English in Norway?

The vast majority of Norwegians speak English in addition to Norwegian – and generally on a very high level. Many university degree programmes and courses are taught in English.

Is Oslo English friendly?

Even the international fast food chains do not serve tea in Oslo. I read that 68% of Norway’s population speaks English – in Oslo it is 100%.

Is Norway a rich or poor country?

Norway has caught the fame for being one of the richest countries in the world. In terms of GDP per capita we ranked number 4 in 2020 (see the list here). When it comes to having the largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the world we rank number 1! This fund amounted to 1.275 Billion USD in 2020.

Is it always cold in Norway?

In general, coastal areas have relatively mild and wet winters (but with snow in the mountains), while the inland regions have cold winters with plenty of snow, and hot and relatively dry summers, especially in the east of the country. Here, the temperatures normally lie around 20 degrees during summer.

Is Norway dark for 6 months?

The Polar Night can last days to months depending on your location. On the North Cape, the sun remains under the horizon for more than two months, while in Tromsø the phenomenon lasts for six weeks or so. In Lofoten, the dark period is short, just under four weeks.

What is the most famous dish from Norway?

Fårikål is widely considered to be the national dish of Norway. It’s a simple but hearty Norwegian dish made with lamb, cabbage, and potatoes. Fårikål is a seasonal Norwegian dish that’s traditionally consumed during Norway’s colder months, starting in September, to welcome autumn.

What is Norway famous for?

Norway is famous for numerous exceptional features, including but not limited to the following seven things.
  • Mind-boggling fjords.
  • Awe-inspiring northern lights.
  • Exceptional wildlife.
  • Unforgettable rail journeys.
  • Authentic heritage.
  • Abundance of outdoor pursuits.
  • Postcard-like islands.

Is Norway friendly to tourists?

Overall, Norway tends to be pretty friendly to foreigners. Most Norwegian citizens will be kind to tourists who are seeking help and will not mind speaking to them in English. However, not all Norwegians are the same.

Is Norway nice to foreigners?

Overall, 68 percent of international residents in Norway were happy with their life in the country, compared to 71 percent globally.

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