Is there a direct train from Gothenburg to Oslo?

How much is the train from Gothenburg to Oslo?


How do you get from Gothenburg to Oslo?

The fastest way to get to Oslo from Gothenburg is by bus with an average travel time of 3 h 10 min. Other travel options to Oslo can usually take longer: In comparison, getting to Oslo by flight can take on average 8 h 20 min.

Can you take a train from Norway to Sweden?

Comfortable and fast SJ train from Sweden to Norway covers the distance of 416 km (258 mi) within 6 hours, taking you through magnificent Scandinavian scenery.

Is there a direct train from Gothenburg to Oslo? – Related Questions

Is Gothenburg worth a visit?

Some, especially in the winter, also include a visit to the icy paradise that is Lapland. Yet there’s another rising destination on Indagare’s radar: Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-largest city. Whether you’re hoping to visit in 2022 or planning a dream trip later when the time is right for you, here’s why we love it.

Is Oslo to Stockholm train scenic?

The train journey from Oslo to Stockholm is not the most scenic in Scandinavia. However, a train passes through extensive pine forests and plenty of pretty lakes.

Is there a border crossing between Sweden and Norway?

The Norway–Sweden border (Norwegian: Svenskegrensa, Swedish: Norska gränsen) is a 1,630-kilometre (1,010 mi) long land national border, and the longest border for both Norway and Sweden.

Railway border crossings.

Border stationNorwegian lineSwedish line
KornsjøØstfold LineNorway/Vänern Line

Can you cross from Sweden to Norway?

The region is sparsely populated, with 70 000 people living within an area of 42 000 square km (the size of Denmark). Rough mountainous terrain separates the Norwegian and Swedish parts of the region from each other. The only cross-border connections are a road (European route E10) and a railway (the Iron Ore Line).

How much is train from Sweden to Norway?

The best way to get from Sweden to Norway without a car is to train which takes 5h 12m and costs 500 kr – 700 kr.

Can you take a train through Scandinavia?

With Scandinavian Rail train tickets, you can travel throughout Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark! Experience train travel to popular cities including Helsinki, Copenhagen and Stockholm with modern and comfortable train service.

What is the most scenic train ride in Europe?

10 of Europe’s most scenic train journeys
  • Flåm Railway, Norway.
  • West Highland Line, Scotland.
  • Rome to Palermo, Italy.
  • Mariazellerbahn, Austria.
  • Stockholm to Narvik, Sweden-Norway.
  • Glacier Express, Switzerland.
  • Mainz to Koblenz, Germany.
  • Nice to Digne-les-Bains, France.

What should you not wear in Scandinavia?

Avoid wearing loud and glitzy clothes in favor of smart casual dress in muted or dark colors. Natural fabrics such as cotton, wool and linen are more popular in Sweden than synthetic textiles.

Which Scandinavian country is cheapest to travel?

Out of all of Scandinavia, Denmark is the cheapest to visit – especially if you visit early February which is usually always the most cost-effective time to fly and stay. Fortunately there is plenty to do which is free or only a small fee.

Which is the most beautiful Scandinavian country?

Norway. Norway is known for its deep fjords, steep mountains, Northern Lights and incredible national parks, including beautiful fauna.

Which is better to visit Sweden or Norway?

Bottom line. While Norway is certainly better for hard-core outdoor enthusiasts, Sweden is a great choice for most people looking to explore Scandinavia for more than stunning scenery. If you want great food, good public transportation and a bit of cash savings, Sweden could be your more suitable option.

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